Bringing Clarity To Conversations

The Clarify Transformer app is a user-friendly speech-to-text tool, designed to allow anyone to easily transcribe spoken words into written content ready for saving, exporting, and sharing.

Features built into the app allow for automatic clarification of the content, as well as adjusting the readability and fluency of the finished article.

Coming soon

No more illegible transcriptions

At Transformer Labs, we believe that if AI is not working as expected, it is not the fault of the user – it is up to the creators to make the technology better. When we speak to AI, meaning and content can often become lost as accents, filler words, and context are simply not understood.

This can result in your transcription needing a lot of editing to make it ‘readable’ – making sure that it can be clearly understood by someone who has perhaps never heard you speak.

Speech to Content in one shot

Clarify Transformer represents the next level of spoken-word comprehension, with custom AI models designed to learn complex speech variations and convert what has been said into easily understandable text.

There are apps on the market that clarify the written words: Clarify Transformer is a voice transcription app that performs that function for the spoken words.

How Does Clarify Transformer work?

Users press the in-app record button and begin to speak. The speech is transcribed by our advanced artificial intelligence in real-time, with each individual paragraph processed to ‘clarify’ the transcript. Users can choose to view both the original transcript and the new, clarified version, with additional settings available to automatically fix grammar, remove filler words, and paraphrase where logical.

The AI in Clarify Transformer incorporates deep-learning technologies, so the more that you use the app, the better it understands the idiosyncrasies of your speech – improving the output text each time.

Download Clarify Transformer
Start speaking into app or copy/paste text instead
Set scales for readability, similarity, and fluency
The app transcribes and clarifies the text ready to export
Users can also choose to copy/paste text instead of speaking
Options are available to set scales for readability, similarity, and fluency

When your speech is ‘clarified’, it is adjusted to achieve brevity, better sentence formation, apply the active voice, and remove the natural filler words and repetitions that are common in everyday conversation. This results in a clear and easy-to-understand text output, which you can then save or share as required.

Coming soon

Who Is Clarify Transformer For?

Clarify Transformer is designed for users who:

Frequently dictate notes, instructions, or other communications

Want speech-to-text content to be readable without changing the core intent and meaning

Need to get what is said aloud into a written document as quickly and accurately as possible

Want transcriptions to be automatically written in a readable format that can be shared with others, with an absolute minimum of time spent on editing

About Us

The team behind Clarify Transformer is a collection of entrepreneurs, technologists, creatives, and scientists, who have come together through a shared passion for creating ethical, equitable, and unbiased AI. The AI tools we build are designed to improve the lives of users, with a focus on data privacy, transparency, and ownership.

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